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Amersfoort – Poster related to the liberation of camp Amersfoort

This poster hung in Amersfoort during the liberation of the infamous camp Amsterfoort.
An appeal was made to provide rations, food and shelter to the former prisoners in the city.

Camp Amersfoort, also known as Polizeiliches Durchgangslager Amersfoort was inaugurated on August 18, 1941.
The camp was used as a transit camp to other concentration camps abroad and was also used as a work/penalty camp.
During the Second World War, some 37,000 prisoners stayed here.
The camp was commanded by SS-Obersturmführer Walter Heinrich and about 650 prisoners died in camp Amersfoort during the war.
On April 19, 1945, the camp was handed over to Loes van Overeem, who worked for the Dutch Red Cross.
At that time, there were still about 500 prisoners in camp Amersfoort.